Exciting or adjuvant gels are now in vogue, specially designed to be applied on male and female erogenous zones, in particular on penis and vagina, to increase the sensitivity of the part and make it more excited and receptive to the stimuli received. To achieve the right excitement and then orgasm, erogenous and genital zones must be stimulated correctly (although, as we know, this is a very variable data as subjective), but we are not only talking about "mechanical gestures": very often what you need is a product that will stimulate the sensitivity of the intimate parts during foreplay, so as to make them as receptive as possible at the time of penetration. Precisely for this purpose have been realized, by now by almost all major brands, the gels and stimulating creams, perfect to reactivate the blood circulation of the parts involved, also favoring their natural lubrication.
What are exciting gels?
Top products in the category of erotic cosmetics, exciting gels and creams must be tried at least once in order to live the sexual experience to its full potential. Most of these products are intended for the female audience for vaginal application, and especially for women who are struggling to reach orgasm. In order to satisfy even male buyers, special products have also been put on the market to increase strength and performance retention, which stimulate circulation while maintaining an erection for longer. It is important, however, not to expect miracles as the gel helps only temporarily, and does not permanently cure erectile dysfunction, impotence or anorgasmia. In these cases, we always recommend that you consult a specialist.